


We cry. We bitch. We moan. plain false title promo imageWe seduce. We give birth. We wear bras. We buy shoes. We menstruate.We cook dinner. We clean dishes. We wash clothes. We pick arguments. We know what we want. We are the emotional sex. We are virgins, mothers, sirens. We go to work. We live in the moment. We dress as we please. We cry. We love. We laugh. We desire. We are strong. And we will be heard.
Notes from the writer…
Why did I start writing this play? I wrote it because I became increasingly frustrated with the generalised perception of women as weak, powerless and vulnerable. I wrote it because I was fed up of hearing people say that men should be strong, that they should look after the family, and always pay for dinner. Growing up, I have seen the destruction these generalisation cause; I’ve lived through it. We are in a privileged position where we have the power to diminish these stereotypes and act against them. I think as women, we have a responsibility to teach the younger generations – both men and women – that they have the power to make a real, significant change to future women’s lives. Overall, I wrote this play to speak to you, for you, and everything in between.

“No one ever tells you that true empowerment comes from giving yourself the permission to think and act. We fear the sound of our own voice, for it means admission, but it is this that gives us the power to change our environment” – Meera Vijayann

Lincoln Performing Arts Centre
Tuesday 19 May 2015, Main Auditorium, Time TBC.